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What is there to see in Bulgarian Rila Mountains and what is the Seven Rila lakes route? Thanks

While in South Africa, we plan to visit Swaziland for several hours with a car. Can you recommend some interesting places in such a short visit?

Tenerife Teide Volcano - Is it possible to reach the summit's crater in a regular tour or a special permit is required? If such a permit is required, how can I obtain it?

What can I do and see in Messina? My ship anchors in Taormina.

I want to know please if the Cableway to Monte Baldo near Garda lake is open at the end of December and beginning of this January

How can we reach the Sentosa resort Island from Singapore? What are the opening hours and the entrance fee?

How can we reach Church Sagrada Familia in Barcelona by public transportation and where exactly it is located?

where to travel in Tirol Austria?The most interesting places to visit?

I would like to know what there is to see in the Slovak Tatra Mountains.

What are the entrance costs in differenet Canadian Rockies Parks?

What to do and to see during family trip to Barcelona?

Can I get some deatils about the Centovally Railway line?

What is the driving distance from Roma to Positano?

Where is the Taj Mahal placed in India?

During the last week of August, we will travel to the lakes of Northern Italy. Please let me know the exact location of the ancient village Borghetto in Garda lake area.

Recommended places, sights & activities for 2 days stay in Amsterdam with Teenagers

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